UNIT 31:

Art direction, curation, motion graphics design and print, 2019 

Music Raffy Bushman photos Karolina Wielocha video Karol Jurga


Unit31: Unfolded is an exhibition that celebrates Unit31’s community and their stories through original artwork, photography installations and a schedule of music events. 


I created key art animation to promote the project online, using various physical, print and digital mediums. The artwork shows the complex story that is constantly developing through unfolding papers, tears, scrunched photos, cutouts, handwritten typography, videos and gifs. The moving collage portrays cultural diversity in London and modern tastes of jazz, hip hop and neo soul.


I also art directed the visuals for the exhibition, using a series of intimate photographs and interviews that reflect the journey of the Unit31’s space along with its significance to the community. Each portrait is presented as an individual piece, using various kinds of paper and original handwritten signatures to express the diverse grassroots, cultures, ideas and music tastes of all unique people located on the painted map of London.